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This one-day course provides students with the knowledge and skills to design efficient, accurate and complex spreadsheets to accomplish a variety of tasks and analyze complex sets of data. This course is based on the documentation provided by the Community.

Prior to attending this class, students should have the following experience:

  • Basic Desktop usage (mouse, keyboard, etc.).
  • Basic experience with is helpful.

Upon successful completion of this course, students should be able to:

  • Configure Calc
  • Edit, format, sort and filter data content
  • Use functions to manipulate data effectively
  • Turn data into presentable charts and other output
  • Implement Macros to increase efficiency and design a simple database using Calc

Course Topics:

  1. Introducing Calc
  2. Entering, Editing and Formatting Data
  3. Formulas and Functions
  4. Creating Charts and Graphs
  5. Printing with Calc
  6. DataPilot
  7. Data Analysis Using Scenarios and Goal Seek
  8. Using Graphics in Calc
  9. Linking Calc Data
  10. Using Styles in Calc
  11. Editing, Changing and Reviewing
  12. Calc Macros
  13. Calc as a Simple Database